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Sell Folio Books

Where can I sell my Folio Books?

We love books, though we really love Folio books. They look great and they’re great to read! If you have some Folio books stuffed away in a dark corner or abandoned on your bookshelf then send them our way. You’ll make some money and make someone else happy when you sell Folio books online with us.

The Folio Society has produced fancy versions of some of the world’s greatest literature for years, well, since 1947 to be exact. Folio books are great collectors items and hold their value well so we’ll give you an ace offer for any that you don’t bother with anymore. Say goodbye to your Folio books and hello to a nice chunk of cash. Ka-ching!

Calling all Folio Fans

We love all Folio books, whether it’s a Folio edition of a Shakespeare play or a classic book such as The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. If you have one that you never look at or read then send it to us, then it can take pride of place on someone else’s bookshelf.

If your folio society books are in good condition, then you can bet your right arm that we’ll want them. Since these books don’t have a barcode or ISBN number on the back just browse our Folio Book catalogue and look out for the the title  of the book. We’ll give you an instant price and if you’re happy with it then hey presto, we have a deal and you’ll have cash!

Sell Folio Books

We're famous...

We buy… loads of stuff actually

Books, textbooks, Folio society books, yep we’re mad about them but they aren’t the only things that we buy. If you have any old or unwanted games, CDs and DVDs knocking around, then we’ll take them off your hands and buy those too! We make it easy for you to make cash, fast.

So don’t wait, don’t hesitate, have a spring clean and make a pile of all the stuff you don’t want. When you’ve worked out what books, CDs, DVDs and games you wouldn’t miss if they were gone, send them our way.

Aside from Folio books, you can list all your stuff using our selling basket

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Read Responsibly... buy and sell used books. WeBuyBooks saves a thirty-acre forest each year!
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Sell books using our app

If you want a fast, secure way to sell your books, the best thing to do is to download the We Buy Books app. All you need to do is go to your app store, download the app, open it up and use our handy barcode scanner to get an instant cash price. We’re available on Android and Apple.

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If you want to make some quick cash at the touch of a button, sell Folio society books online with WeBuyBooks. We’ll give your stuff a nice new home and we’ll give you cash. Pretty awesome, huh?

Sell Folio Books

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