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Sell Policy Books

Sell Policy Books

Politics and policy are broad, complex topics, which require a great deal of studying to fully understand… but in contrast, selling used policy books for cash is as easy as can be! Here at WeBuyBooks, we’re after your unwanted policy books on topics such as public policy, education, health and foreign policy, and we make the selling process incredibly quick and easy…

Sell policy books without any hassle!

If you’ve been putting off selling your used policy books because you think it’s a stressful process, think again! With our handy app, you can use your phone camera as a clever ISBN scanner, so you can get instant valuations for your books pretty much effortlessly. Plus, we use myHermes to provide a convenient courier service, so if you have tons of unwanted policy books to sell, you won’t have to lug them to the post office! And, we aim to pay you the very next day after we have checked your policy books, which means the process – from you sending your items to WeBuyBooks HQ, to your cash arriving in your bank, could take just three working days.

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Read Responsibly... buy and sell used books. WeBuyBooks saves a thirty-acre forest each year!
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Sell books using our app

If you want a fast, secure way to sell your books, the best thing to do is to download the We Buy Books app. All you need to do is go to your app store, download the app, open it up and use our handy barcode scanner to get an instant cash price. We’re available on Android and Apple.

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What condition do my books need to be in?

Speaking of checking your policy books… you’ve probably already guessed that you will receive more cash in exchange for your policy books if they are in good condition, without missing pages, tears or stains. We are however happy to accept used policy books with some highlights, underlining or annotations, as long as they comply with our Item Condition Guidelines… think of them as our own policy! Have a read through them before you start selling to prevent any disappointment.

Book Condition Guidelines

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Read Responsibly... buy and sell used books. WeBuyBooks saves a thirty-acre forest each year!
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Easy, quick & stress-free. How it works.

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Send your Policy Books, DVDs, games and CDs to us and we’ll send you some money.

So, if that sounds good, start exchanging your unwanted policy books today!

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