Need Money Fast
Need money fast and don’t want to apply for a personal loan or take out a payday loan? Why don’t you sell your unwanted items that are just lying round the house? Obviously it depends on how much you need and what type of items you want to sell, but you will be making money whilst decluttering and being environmentally friendly!
We all need money quickly at some point, whether it’s for petrol for work, a leaky washing machine, garage bills, or if there’s an unexpected occasion coming up. We take your unwanted books, CDs, DVDs and games and give you top prices for them. If you are a born hoarder you just may be able to cover the amount you need. Even if you only have a few items to sell, every little helps, and you never know, you may be hoarding a little gem!
If you want a fast, secure way to sell your books, the best thing to do is to download the We Buy Books app. All you need to do is go to your app store, download the app, open it up and use our handy barcode scanner to get an instant cash price. We’re available on Android and Apple.
If you do need money fast, we can help. In just 4 easy steps you can sell your items and get top prices – Enter the ISBN or barcode into our selling basket, get an instant offer, print your package label, and send. Once we receive your items, we seek to pay you within three working days after checking your items – so you won’t have to wait long for your cash to hit your bank account!
Now obviously, condition is key to the amount of money we can pay you, so please make sure you take a look at our condition guidelines before you start selling. Plus, we generally can’t offer as much money for popular titles as we can for rarer items, special editions and first editions, so make sure you have a good look through all your belongings and dig out the items worth the most cash!
Sound good, Head over to our selling basket now!