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Jul 06, 2022

Why Selling Your Unwanted Books is the Perfect Side Hustle

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Looking to make a little extra money on the side? Sell your books to WeBuyBooks and earn some extra cash to spend on whatever you like. Whether it’s saving for the next big holiday or you just want to put a little extra aside for the bills, WeBuyBooks has your back.

Recognised by Money Saving Expert as a forumite favourite, WeBuyBooks is one of today’s premier money-making platforms. You will be hard-stretched to find a simpler and quicker way to start making money from home, and here’s why:

Save Money Selling Old Books

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Saving money can be hard nowadays with the cost of living going up. Finding new ways to save a little extra cash is getting trickier and trickier. But, did you know, you could already be sitting on a gold mine? Well, it’s true, you just need the means to tap into it. Let’s face it, we all have piles of books, CDs, DVDs, games or vinyl records lying around just collecting dust. All you need to do is download the WeBuyBooks app and start liquidating all that clutter straight away.

Sell Old Books Any Time

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Do you lead a busy life with a full-time job? Maybe you have children, or maybe your social life takes up a lot of your time instead, Either way, you might feel that you have very little free time to set up your side hustle to earn some extra income. When you download the WeBuyBooks app, you can start making money at any hour of the day and it only takes a couple of minutes. So, now you have no excuse, it’s time to get your side hustle rolling and bring in the extra cash.

Sell Books Easily with our App

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Unlike a lot of other money-making apps out there, you don’t need an in-depth knowledge of the stock market, a detailed business plan, or even a particular set of skills. All you need is a phone or computer with access to the internet and some unwanted books, DVDs, CDs, games or vinyl records, and you can start making cash straight away.

Sustainable and Ethical Reading

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Using WeBuyBooks is both a financially and environmentally sustainable way of making money in your spare time. Firstly, what better way to recycle unwanted books than to reuse them, give them a fresh lease of life and let others enjoy the books you no longer want. Secondly, you might be thinking this can’t be financially sustainable, because what happens if I sell all the books I have and have nothing left to sell? Don’t worry, there are loads of ways to get more books so you can keep the profits coming in. Here’s a list of just a few places that you can use to build your inventory of books to sell:

  • Charity Shops
  • Car Boot sales
  • Friends & Family
  • Online Forums
  • Online Marketplaces (Facebook/Gumtree)
  • Free Sites

And because of the great prices that WeBuyBooks offers, it’s never been easier to turn a quick profit from home. So, there you have it, proof that WeBuyBooks is the perfect platform to start your side hustle. No matter where you are or how much free time you have, where there’s WeBuyBooks, there’s a way.

But don’t just take our word for it, check out money-saving experts here to see what they have to say about us and become one of the thousands of people making an average of just under £30 per offer with some of our customers making upwards of thousands of pounds per year!

Click here to start your side hustle now!

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