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Oct 28, 2013

Earn Some Extra Cash This Christmas!

Earn some extra cash this Christmas - Sell your old books, CDs, DVDs and game with We Buy BooksEveryone is feeling the pinch at the moment and with prices rising all the time and wages remaining static, it is becoming harder than ever to have a special family Christmas. At this time of year there are many options for earning some extra money to pay for all of those festive extras, but some are more worthwhile than others.

Part time working

Work as a Chrismas Temp in a Retail StoreMany of the large retailers take on extra staff in the run up to peak trading just before Christmas, and this can be a good way of earning some extra money. However, there are also many downsides to working in retail such as very long working hours, early starts in the morning, contracts which do not guarantee a set amount of working hours each week and require a high degree of flexibility, and a huge amount of competition for the few jobs which are on offer each year. Committing to working for someone else may not also be practical in families where couples are working shifts and trying to juggle childcare.


Sell Books CDs and DVDsOne of the best and quickest way to make some extra money for Christmas without the stress or hassle of getting a job is to take a look at all of the items which you have in your home and which you no longer use. If you are in the habit of taking bags of unwanted books, CDs and video games to the charity shop once you have finished with them, then you are potentially throwing away hundreds of pounds. The market in used games, books and CDs is booming, so consider selling these items to us! We make it easy to change your unwanted goods into hard cash!


Enter an ISBN or Barcode to Get a PriceThe process of selling your unwanted items is so straightforward. Simply enter the ISBN number on your book or bar code on a DVD, CD, Blu-ray or video game into our website and you will instantly be given the product's value. Once you have added all of the items and got your total price, print off a Freepost label and send away the box. Once your items have been received and checked, you will receive payment within three business days, allowing you go out and buy all of those little extras for Christmas.


The beauty of using us to sell your old books or CDs is that it requires only the minimum of effort. Input the information into the website at a time which is convenient for you, and then the only other part of the process is taking the box to the Post Office. All of the hard work is done for you, and once you start looking around the house for games, CDs, DVDs and books which you are finished with, you will be surprised at just how may items you have which can be turned into extra Christmas cash.

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