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Dec 30, 2022

12 New Year's Resolutions for Book Lovers in 2024


The new year is a time for change and fresh starts, so why not take the opportunity to turn a new leaf and get yourself some new year reading resolutions? With 2024 nearly here, this could be the year to kick off your new reading adventure. The world of literature is full of inspiration, but if you are struggling to decide on a new year resolution then look no further, we've put together a shortlist of some great ideas for all the book lovers this year.


1. Read More Books

Set yourself a target to read more because sometimes the simple resolutions are the best. Just reading one more book than last year is all you need to achieve your resolution. Not only will you have the satisfaction of completing your resolution, but it will motivate you to pick up some new books and diversify your reading. If you're looking for some tips to ensure you read more this year, check out our blog post: Top Tips to Read More Books.

2. Organise Your Book Collection

There are few things more satisfying for a book lover than a beautiful, well-organised bookshelf, especially if what you're used to is piles of random books cluttering up your living space. So why not use the new year to tackle your book collection? There are a few angles to approach the organisation of your collection; you could sort them by colour, genre or author, any of which will make it easier to find your favourite reads.

3. Declutter Your Bookshelf

Have you ever thought about refining your book collection and clearing out all your unwanted books? Next time you organise your shelves, make a pile of all the books you know you won't read again and sell them using the WeBuyBooks app. Using the easy-scan app, you can declutter while you earn some extra cash to put towards your next book purchase!

4. Diversify Your Reading


Mix up your reading habits and try a new genre. Whether you make the shift from crime to comedy, or horror to history, we are sure that you will find the new title to enjoy.

5. Get Others to Read With You

With all the tech that’s available nowadays, finding the time to sit down and read with zero distractions is nearly impossible. So, why not make it your New Year’s resolution to encourage your friends and family to put down the TV remote and pick up a book instead?  

6. Join a Book Club

Getting to the end of a book is a greeting feeling, but finishing a book and discussing it is even better. Maybe you didn’t like the way the story panned out, or maybe you have a theory on what the subplot meant, find a local book club or start your own and enhance your reading experience.

7. Track Your Reading and Set Yourself Some Targets


Set yourself some reading targets for the year to come and plan your reading in advance so you can give yourself the time to read every book on your list. A bit of organisation also gives you the opportunity to throw in a few alternative books.

8. Try Out Audiobooks

Is it difficult to find the time to pick up a book and read? If so, your New Year’s resolution could be to try out audiobooks so you can listen to your favourite books while you are on the go. Whether it’s on the way to work, at the gym or while you are cooking dinner, audiobooks are the perfect solution for a busy schedule.

9. Buy More Second-Hand Books

If you are anything like us you will agree that buying a new book is a great feeling. The crisp pages, the new book smell, and the uncreased spine just can’t be beaten. But you may have also found that buying all your books brand new can become expensive. Save yourself some money and make it your New Year's resolution to buy more second-hand books.

10. Build a Reading Space


Have you ever had a desire to create your own little reading nook? Somewhere you can curl up with a good book and forget about the world? Make it your mission to make that a reality this year. Get to work on creating your own tranquil reading space, and before you know it, you will be reading in comfort.

11. Write Your Own Book

After countless hours of reading, you might have started to have some literary ideas of your own, and this year could be the year to turn them into a reality. Try writing your own book in 2024. If you are new to writing, you could start with some short stories and build up to your very own book! You could even discover a new talent and become the next best-selling author.

12. Complete Your Reading List

Every true book lover has a list of books that they want to read. If you're anything like us, your list could be out of control, so setting yourself the challenge to get through them all throughout the next year will be a fun little challenge.

So, that concludes our list of suggestions for all you book lovers to try out in the new year. Whatever you choose to do, whether it's organising your bookshelf or picking up a book and reading more, we hope you enjoy a whole new year of great literature.

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