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Nov 08, 2021

Children’s Book Week: Our Top 10 Recommended Reads


Children’s book week is here! And what better way to help kids celebrate than with a great read?

Each year, children across the UK celebrate children’s book week in schools, libraries and at home. This year, children’s book week falls on the 8th November and there’s a ton of ways kids can participate, but we think the best is by picking up a new book!

Encouraging young people to read for pleasure is so important. Books help children learn and explore new concepts, improve their literacy skills as well as providing hours of entertainment.

We all know there’s nothing better than getting stuck into a gripping book, and that’s something we want to pass onto the next generation. So, here’s our top 10 must-read books for children to enjoy this children’s book week…


1. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

1. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.jpg

Any Potter heads out there will agree that Harry Potter is a must read for any child - or person of any age for that matter! J.K. Rowling’s series is the best selling children's book ever and it’s not hard to see why.

Reading Harry Potter allows you to enter a wizarding world filled with magic, friendship and gripping challenges. Harry and the other extraordinary characters in the books are a great influence on any young person, making this a wonderful book trilogy to start in honour of children’s book week.


2. Matilda by Roald Dahl

2. Matilda by Roald Dahl.jpg

We all know that Roald Dahl is a classic children’s writer and one of his most loved stories, Matilda, had to have a spot on this list.

All of Dahl’s stories resonate with children on their level, displaying how unfair adults can seem in a youngsters world. In Matilda, the intelligent and kind main character uses her wit to out smart the cruel adults in her life and builds a new, happy life for herself.

Any child that’s seen and loved the film will love Matilda the book even more!


3. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

3. Green eggs and ham by Dr. Seuss.jpg

Another classic children’s author, Dr. Seuss and his book Green Eggs and Ham is one we’ve all read! It’s great for younger kids as it encourages them to try new foods in a fun way and is written using simple, easy to read language. Plus it’s illustration and rhyming story is great fun!


4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

4. The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle.jpg

A great one for any babies and toddlers wanting to get involved in children's book week, is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The book itself is about the life cycle of a caterpillar and includes lots of colorful artwork with textural elements and bright paint, plus fun holes perfect for tiny fingers to stick through.

With over 41 million copies sold, we think it's safe to say this is a great children’s book.


5. The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper

5. The little engine that could by Watty Piper.jpg

‘I think i can, i think i can’ is a phrase everyone knows from the self-motivating train in The Little Engine That Could. As the little engine pulls a train over a mountain, it teaches children timeless lessons that can be reinforced in everyday life.

As well as being a fun and interesting story, this is a great book for children to learn about hard work, positivity and perseverance! We think it’s these lessons that make it a timeless classic.


6. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

6. Where the wild things are by Maurice Sendak.jpg

If you’re looking for a book that’s all about imagination, Where the Wild Things Are is an excellent choice! It’s considered by many as one of the most influential picture books to have ever been written.

When the little boy Max is sent to his room in trouble, he falls asleep and creates a weird and wonderful dream world for himself, featuring tame monsters or ‘wild things’. As he becomes king of the wild things, Max quickly realises being in charge is hard work, making him miss his mother.

Despite being seemingly simple, this book explores some deep emotions and teaches children the importance of home, family and empathy.


7. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

7. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White.jpg

A 1952 classic that’s warmed the hearts of children and adults alike for years, Charlotte’s Web is definitely a must read!

Telling a tale of friendship between a spider named Charlotte, a pig named Wilbur and a girl named Fern, this book is a sweet story that deals with death in a peaceful way. It’s a good transitional book for children ready to start reading stories with more meaningful themes.


8. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

8. The lion, the witch and the wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.jpg

The amazing trilogy that is the Chronicles of Narnia begins with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, in which 4 evacuees discover a world of magic within a wardrobe in their temporary country home.

Most children have probably seen the films, which will spark initial interest in reading the book for any kids not so keen on reading. We recommend this series for children 9+.


9. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

9. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.jpg

For younger fans of fantasy writing, it doesn’t get much better than The Hobbit. Any lovers of Lord of the Rings will remember how magical it is reading these books for the first time - which makes The Hobbit a great book recommendation for children’s book week.

With its descriptive language and many pages, it can be a pretty intense read for children but The Hobbit is filled with imagination, wit and adventure which they’re sure to love!


10. The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson

10. The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson.jpg

This award-winning, modern classic is a rhyming story of a mouse and a monster that’s perfect for kids ages 3+.

Its creative rhymes and playful drawings make for a fun read that sparks the imagination of its little readers from the offset. If you haven’t heard the story of The Gruffalo, the clever mouse manages to escape danger when passing a fox, owl and snake by telling tales of the scary Gruffalo, however when the mouse actually encounters the Gruffalo himself, he cleverly makes up another tale to get him out of trouble once again.


We hope at least one of the brilliant books above will spark your child’s interest this children’s book week!

If you have any of these beloved children’s books lying about the house, why not give them a new home by selling them to WeBuyBooks? Find out how you can trade your old books for cash by clicking the button below.

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