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Feb 17, 2012

Our Guide to Packaging Your Items for Sale

Item packaging guide
Successfully sell your books to WeBuyBooks, by using these packaging guidelines. If we receive your items and they look like they've been savaged by a pack of wild hounds or barely survived a nuclear blast then the chances are we won't take them!

Books, CDs, DVDs and Games that have been wrapped in a bin bag don't stand much chance of surviving the Great British weather and the heavy handling employed by some postmen. (Not all postmen I must say, but some of them are not that gentle with said precious items).

According to TheFreeDictionary , a bin bag is a plastic bag used to line a trash or garbage bin. Therefore they are not highly recommended to be used as packaging to post items to WeBuyBooks.

This is because:

  1. Books, CDs, Games and DVDs are not trash or garbage
  2. Bin bags rip so easily!

This is what us folks do not want to see at WeBuyBooks:

Poorly Packaged Books

The problem with the picture on the left is that the packaging is very likely to rip, exposing your items to all the elements (and let's face it, British weather is hardly predictable!). Any books, CDs, Games and DVDs badly water damaged cannot be accepted. Another problem is that your items might fall out, never to be seen again; leaving you out of pocket! The problem with the above picture is that the box used is too big. Your items are more likely to get damaged during transit because there's more room for them to move around and get a bashing from the other items in the box.

This is what us folks at WeBuyBooks love to see on a daily basis:

Well-packaged books in an undamaged box wrapped in bubble wrap

If you want to successfully sell books, CDs and games to WeBuyBooks, please take note of the images above; not a bin bag in site! No books will be falling out of these bad boys! Well-packaged items are less likely to be damaged or lost in transit. The books are also wrapped in bubble wrap; a further measure to ensure your books, CDs, games and DVDs are protected!

So to sum it all up. When selling your books, CDs and DVDs to WeBuyBooks please take note of our packaging guidelines. we like to see your items arrive neatly packed in a box which isn't too big; with a good amount of bubble wrap!

If you want any more information on packaging, visit our packaging guidelines page.



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