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Jul 27, 2015

Get the Most Value for Your Books With These Tips

Woman readingMost homes are full of books, ranging from contemporary novels to well-thumbed academic texts from undergraduate days.

Selling your books can be lucrative, particularly if you can offer unusual or rare editions. However, you’ll fetch higher prices if your books are presented in the best possible condition, so taking steps to protect them now will help earn you more money in the future here at We Buy Books.

Of course, you’ll fetch more money for books that are as good as new, but if they do get damaged here are some tips on how to fix them:

Repairing torn pages

Feeling a page of a bookPages may be torn in two different ways; a bevel tear, where the two parts overlap, or a clean cut, which is similar to a cut from scissors.

Bevel tears can be repaired with a tiny amount of adhesive glue (PVA, for example, dries clear but must not be overused or else the paper will wrinkle). Insert a piece of paper under the tear and brush a small amount of adhesive onto one of the edges of the tear with a fine paintbrush. Align the two edges and wipe away excess glue with a lightly dampened sponge. Remember to place another sheet of paper on top of the repair when you close the book, as any residual stickiness will result in the pages of the book gluing together.

Clean cut tears can be repaired with clear tape. Cut the tape slightly longer than the length of the tear, place it centrally over it and fold a small amount over the edge of the page. Rub along the tape gently with a dry sponge to remove air bubbles.

Act quickly in the event of spillages

Woman reading with a drinkA book that has had liquid spilt on it will quickly become creased, so prompt action is required.

As soon as it has become wet, pat the affected pages with a face cloth or towel to absorb the liquid. Place a thick piece of card behind the last wet page to prevent the rest of the book from becoming damaged. Using an iron on its lowest setting (for example, for silk), iron each damp page gently, placing a piece of kitchen towel between the iron and the book to prevent singeing the paper. Remember to turn the steam function off! You can treat each page this way until all the damp pages are dry.

Repairing the spine

Open bookA damaged book spine can be easily repaired using plastic glue or clear tape, depending on the nature of the damage.

If the front or back cover has come loose, it can be repaired by careful alignment with the rest of the cover and placing a strip of clear tape over the join centrally.

If the cover has come off completely, plastic glue is ideal for fixing it back on; lay the cover flat, face down, apply the glue to the area where the spine makes contact and position the book carefully. Wipe off excess glue top and bottom and wrap elastic bands around the book to hold it in place until the glue dries.


With some simple techniques that cost little, you can help to give your books a quick makeover that will not only improve their appearance but will also make them more sellable, for a better price. So it pays to look after your books in the long run. Got a secret tip of your own that you’d like to share? Feel free to let us know on Facebook or Twitter.


If you’d like to start selling the books you no longer want or need then head over to our selling basket now! The process is simple and completely hassle free, don’t believe us? There’s only one way to find out, start selling books now! Who knows you could be sat on a little gold mine! For more information on selling books online call our customer care team on 01706 248281.


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