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Feb 25, 2013

Make Extra Cash Easily With These Tips

how to make easy cash

Living as a student can be a pretty expensive affair. There are countless nights out for dozens of non descript occasions, food to buy, rent to pay; not to mention text books to buy every term! If you’re sick of cutting corners with your spending and tired of eating pasta every night then we’re here to help!

We Buy Books have put together a few ingenious ideas to help you make some extra money on the side:

Sell Your Old Stuff:

We’re going to start with the most obvious here. If there is one thing students have in abundance it’s books, CDs, DVDs and Games! We’ve all got them laying around the house, but once you’ve read the books, watched the DVDs and burned the CD then what? They pretty much just lay there gathering dust and making the place look untidy.

We take your unwanted, rejected books, CDs, DVDs and Games and give you top dollar for them. It’s simple really, you don’t want them, we do and we’re prepared to pay for the privilege!

We have to mention that the amount of money we can pay you depends on the types of items you have to sell. We generally can’t offer as much money for popular titles as we can for rarer items/special editions/first editions etc. it stands to reason really so get searching for all those hidden jewels!

Start Selling Your Old Books, CDs & DVDs today!

Once you’ve sold your old books, CDs, DVDs and Games and you still need some extra cash then why not try the following:

Get a part-time job

If you’re at university, chances are that you’re in a busy town or city with a number of bars and stores. These places rely on a constant stream of staff and are usually crying out for more staff.

sell your stuff on ebaySell stuff you don’t want on eBay

Everyone hoards stuff that they feel emotionally attached to for some reason. Be brutally honest with yourself: Do you really need it? The only trouble is that it’s SO time consuming and you have to pay a percentage of your money to Paypal and eBay!

Become a mystery shopper

Large retail businesses need to know that they are providing the best experience for their customers and this is where you come in! Mystery shoppers go in to stores and assess them based on any given number of factors: Cleanliness, staff helpfulness, etc.

So there you have it, We Buy Books top tips on how to earn a little extra cash on the side! So why not crack on and start looking for those books, CDs, DVDs and Games to sell.

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