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Jan 13, 2016

4 Adult Colouring Books We Know You'll Love

4 Adult Colouring books that deserve your attentionUnless you’ve been living under a rock you will have noticed adult colouring books popping up everywhere! Here are 4 that deserve your attention.

  1. Breaking Bad Colouring Book

breaking bad colouring bookCookin’ Up Some Colour, Yo

Breaking Bad is undoubtedly one of the best if not the best TV show ever!

If you’re like us and can’t quite fill the void that Walt and Jessie left then this is the adult colouring book for you.

The book contains all the main characters Walt, Jesse, Skyler, Hank, Saul, Gus and many more. The book it packed with tons of features throughout the 80 pages containing crosswords, word searches and dot to dots. This colouring book is a must have item for die hard Breaking Bad fans Yo.

  1. harry potter colouring bookHarry Potter Colouring Book

Raise Your Colouring Wands!

When it comes to adult colouring books it doesn’t get any more magical than the Harry Potter colouring book!

The book transports you to all your favourite wizarding locations and lets you create masterpieces with all the best-loved characters and creatures.

  1. game of thrones colouring bookThe Official Game of Thrones Colouring Book

All Men Must Draw!

It may not be the new Game of Thrones book that you’ve been waiting for but the official Game of Thrones colouring book will help pass the time until George R. R. Martin finishes The Winds of Winter (please hurry up George). It might even distract you from worrying about Jon Snow (it won’t).

The books stunning detail allows you bring all your favourite Westeros locations and characters to life and relive all your favourite moments. A perfect gift for any fan!

  1. sherlock colouring bookSherlock

The Mind Palace

The game is on! Take on the role of Sherlock and find the clues hidden throughout the 80 pages.

We’d love to see your colouring book masterpieces share them with us on Facebook and Twitter.

Maybe adult colouring books aren’t your thing or you’re too busy to spend time colouring in. Don’t worry you can use We Buy Books to sell all your unused colouring books and it couldn’t be any easier – for obvious reasons we can’t accept completed colouring books… Sorry to disappoint you!


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