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Feb 03, 2016

5 Books To Buy Your Significant Other

headerBuying gifts for your significant other can be difficult. Here are 5 books guaranteed to make great gifts!

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

A story about the legendary Gatsby whose decadent lifestyle and wild parties are all a ruse to entice sweetheart Daisy back into his life.
This book shows the lengths someone will go to for true love! It’s a great book and a great gift old sport!

Harry Potter BooksThe Harry Potter Box Set (J.K. Rowling)

The Harry Potter box set makes a perfect gift for anyone who loves to read.
Everyone loves the Harry Potter books! If they don’t you might want to reconsider your relationship!

Hunger Games BooksThe Hunger Games Trilogy (Suzanne Collins)

The Hunger Games will have your significant other emotionally invested from the very beginning!
You might not see them for a few days after gifting this series as most people don’t surface until they have completed the trilogy!

A Song of Ice and FireA Song of Ice and Fire (George R. R. Martin)

If you secretly want to torture you significant other then George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire books are perfect!
Martin has no qualms killing off main characters in the most brutal fashion and leaving you waiting for years and years between books.

Why Your So Awesome BookFill-In-The-Blank Why You’re So Awesome Gift Book (Knock Knock)

If you want to give your significant other a personalised meaningful gift this book will do the trick.

You can personalise this book to tell your significant other why they mean so much to you and proclaim their awesomeness!

Childhood BooksFind you’re Significant Other’s favourite childhood book

We’ve all seen the episode of Friends when Chandler buys Kathy her favourite childhood book (The Velveteen Rabbit).

The gift goes down a storm and ultimately helps Chandler woo Kathy. Sometimes it actually is the thought that counts!

Adult Colouring BooksAdult colouring books

Adult colouring books are super popular and make great gifts.



Let us know what books you’ve given and received as gifts on Facebook or Twitter.

Have you been the victim of receiving a truly awful book as a gift? Don’t worry you can use We Buy Books to sell all your unwanted books!





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